Indian cricketers Mohammed Shami and Shreyas Iyer recently spoke about how they feel playing under Rohit Sharma during an award ceremony. Both the players spoke during the CEAT Cricket Awards show held in Mumbai. Players often praise Rohit for expressing himself on the field. During this event, Team India’s fast bowler Mohammed Shami has spoken about Rohit Sharma’s captaincy.
Actually, Team India captain Rohit Sharma is well known for his game and brilliant captaincy as well as for getting angry on the field. Many times his such videos also go viral on social media platforms. In this, fans are seen having different opinions about Rohit Sharma’s anger. Meanwhile, when Rohit Sharma’s teammate and Team India’s veteran bowler Mohammed Shami was asked to answer this question, he also told the reason behind it, which people liked very much.
Mohammed Shami and Shreyas Iyer spoke their heart out
In the award ceremony organized by CEAT, the veteran fast bowler of the Indian team, Mohammed Shami made a big revelation about Rohit Sharma. Regarding the captain’s anger and reaction on the field, Mohammed Shami said that ‘First of all, I like Rohit Sharma’s work that he gives you complete freedom while bowling.
After that, if you do not live up to their expectations, their action starts coming out. Even then they explain to us what we should try. And if even after this our performance does not improve, then the reaction (getting angry) that you see on the TV screen and understand without speaking, starts coming out.
After this statement of Mohammad Shami, Shreyas Iyer said that Shami bhai is right. He fills in the blanks. Whatever he is saying even in gestures at that time is understood well. But playing with Rohit bhai for many years, he is a good leader and has great leadership skills.
Shreyas Iyer and Mohammed Shami talking about their captain Rohit Sharma.🥹
The Captain, the leader, the legend @ImRo45
— 𝐑𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐢𝐢⁴⁵ (@rushiii_12) August 21, 2024