FHD, WQHD, Quad HD, Ultra HD, and more FULL INFO about image resolutions
Know the meaning of the acronyms and understand the differences between each of the image resolutions For professional use or just watching Netflix , knowing your screen resolution is one of the factors to consider when investing in new equipment . Before deciding on your purchase and going around just comparing prices, check the list to understand the acronyms: HD, FHD, WQHD, WQXGA, QHD and UHD and find the best option . Basic concepts: pixel, size and resolution When we talk about screens, we need to consider two measures: size and resolution. Size: refers to the physical dimensions of the screen; Resolution: is the amount of information displayed within these size limits. The screen size is measured in inches, each measuring 2.54 centimeters . That is, a smartphone with a 5-inch screen is 12.7 centimeters (5 x 2.54). As the screens are usually rectangular, the measurement is made considering the size of the diagonal. The resolution shows us how many pixels fit on the screen. Pixels are the points that make up the image being arranged in rows and columns. In this way, the resolution will define how many pixels there are in each row (width) and each column (height). So to say that a screen has a resolution of 1280 x 720 means that it displays 1280 pixels per row and 720 pixels per column. It is important to note that the more pixels, the higher the resolution , therefore, a better image quality on your screen. 1. HD / 720p HD (High Definition, the famous High Definition) or 720p, has a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels, and is appropriate for the aspect ratio of 16:9, whether for televisions or cell phones. It is the most basic image quality found on devices and media files. This resolution is common on TVs and monitors smaller than 40 inches, and notebooks, as the standard screen resolution is 1366 x 768 pixels. 2. Full HD / 1080p Full HD or 1080p is a screen with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, equally suited to the 16:9 aspect ratio. However, with more lines of pixels to display on the display. With the emergence of 18:9 or 21:9 screens on smartphones, new resolutions have also emerged that better accommodate these proportions. We call HD+ any resolution that is based on 720 lines, such as 1480 x 720 pixels. If the resolution is based on the 1080 lines of Full HD we call it FHD+, like 2220 x 1080 pixels. The exact number of speakers will depend on the aspect ratio of the screen and may vary slightly from manufacturer to manufacturer. Despite the emergence of 4K resolution , it is common to find devices with Full HD screens, especially on TVs and notebooks. This resolution is still widely used by streaming services, as it is not necessary to have a fast internet connection to stream. Digital TV broadcasting is also done in this resolution. List of HD, Full HD and derivatives resolutions NAME RESOLUTION HD (720p) 1280 x 720 pixels nHD 640 x 360 pixels (a quarter of HD) qHD 960 x 540 pixels (one quarter of Full HD) Full HD (1080p or FHD) 1920 x 1080 pixels QHD or WQHD…