Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday asked Rahul Dravid about India’s preparations for the Los Angeles Olympics in 2028 during a felicitation ceremony for the T20 World Cup champions in New Delhi. PM Modi stressed that India’s focus should be on making the country proud when cricket returns to the Olympics in Los Angeles.
Dravid said that BCCI would be preparing for this big event from now itself and many players of this T20 World Cup winning team will be seen representing India in that event. During this, he also took the names of Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma. In such a situation, Virat’s reaction was worth seeing. Actually, both Kohli and Rohit have retired from the T20I format after winning the T20 World Cup 2024 title.
Rahul Dravid gave a big statement regarding Olympics 2028
Rahul Dravid said, “Modiji, we cricketers don’t get the opportunity to participate in the Olympics. But, now cricket is going to be a part of the Olympics. This is going to be a big deal for the cricketers, the country and the cricket board. We have to perform well in the tournament. And being with other players, learning from them, is a big deal. I think it is a matter of pride for cricket to be a part of the Olympics.”
He further said, “I have full faith that BCCI and the players and coaches of that time will be ready. I am sure that many people from this team will be a part of the team. Young players of this team like Rohit and Virat will play. Winning gold in the Olympics is a matter of great pride and happiness. We need to be fully prepared for this.”
Rahul Dravid says Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli can play in 2028 Olympics. (Everyone smiles) 😄
— Vishal. (@SPORTYVISHAL) July 5, 2024
Virat Kohli was seen folding his hands on this statement of Dravid. Let us tell you that, Team India, which returned home from Barbados on July 4, first met PM Modi in Delhi. During this, the PM discussed many issues with the players. One of these was the Olympics to be held in Los Angeles.